September Meeting Minutes 2021

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by President Steve Schultz. Board members Dan Evans and Denis McLaughlin were present as was Manager, Shane Sheppard. Board members Paul Schultz remotely accessed the meeting. Board member Jeff Bass was absent for the Board meeting. Due to Governors Proclamation 20-28, phone number 844-621-3956 code 801125308 was provided for anyone that wanted to remotely access the meeting.

August Meeting Minutes 2021

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by President Steve Schultz. Board members Dan Evans and Denis McLaughlin were present as was Manager, Shane Sheppard. Board members Jeff Bass and Paul Schultz remotely accessed the meeting. Due to Governors Proclamation 20-28, phone number 844-621-3956 code 801125308 was provided for anyone that wanted to remotely access the meeting.

July Meeting Minutes 2021

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by President Steve Schultz. Board members Paul Schultz, Dan Evans and Denis McLaughlin were present as was Manager, Shane Sheppard. Board member Jeff Bass was absent. Marc Maynard with the Bureau of Reclamation was also present. Due to Governors Proclamation 20-28, phone number 844-621-3956 code 801125308 was provided for anyone that wanted to remotely access the meeting.

May Meeting Minutes 2021

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by President Steve Schultz via conference call, due to Governor Inslee’s Proclamations 20-25 & 20-28, phone number 844-621-3956 code 801125308 which was listed on Agenda and District’s website. Board members Paul Schultz, Dan Evans, and Denis McLaughlin were present as was Manager, Shane Sheppard. Board member Jeff Bass was absent.

April Meeting Minutes 2021

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by President Steve Schultz via conference call, due to Governor Inslee’s Proclamations 20-25 & 20-28, phone number 844-621-3956 code 801125308 which was listed on Agenda and District’s website. Board members Paul Schultz, Dan Evans, and Jeff Bass werepresent as was Manager, Shane Sheppard. Board member Denis McLaughlin was absent.

March Meeting Minutes 2021

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by President Steve Schultz via conference call, due to Governor Inslee’s Proclamations 20-25 & 20-28, phone number 844-621-3956 code 801125308 which was listed on Agenda and District’s website. Board members Paul Schultz, Denis McLaughlin, Dan Evans, and Jeff Bass were present as was Manager, Shane Sheppard.

February Meeting Minutes 2021

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by President Steve Schultz via conference call, due to Governor Inslee’s Proclamations 20-25 & 20-28, phone number 844-621-3956 code 801125308 which was listed on Agenda and District’s website. Board members Paul Schultz, Denis McLaughlin and Jeff Bass werepresent as was Manager, Shane Sheppard. Board member Dan Evans was absent.

January Meeting Minutes 2021

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by President Steve Schultz via conference call, due to Governor Inslee’s Proclamations 20-25 & 20-28, phone number 844-621-3956 code 801125308 which was listed on Agenda and District’s website. Board members Paul Schultz, Denis McLaughlin, Jeff Bass and Dan Evans were present as was Manager, Shane Sheppard.