July Meeting Minutes 2022

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by President Steve Schultz. Board members Dan Evans, Paul Schultz, and Denis McLaughlin were present as was Manager, Shane Sheppard. Board Member Jeff Bass was absent. Jesse Cowger with Varela Engineering was also present. The June 8, 2022, Board Meeting Minutes were reviewed and upon a motion by Paul Schultz, second by Denis McLaughlin and a unanimous vote, the Minutes were approved as presented.

June Meeting Minutes 2022

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by President Steve Schultz. Board members Dan Evans, Paul Schultz, and Denis McLaughlin were present as was Manager, Shane Sheppard. Board Member Jeff Bass was absent. The May 11, 2022, Board Meeting Minutes were reviewed and upon a motion by Denis McLaughlin, second by Paul Schultz and a unanimous vote, the Minutes were approved as presented.

May Meeting Minutes 2022

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by President Steve Schultz. Board members Dan Evans, Paul Schultz, and Denis McLaughlin were present as was Manager, Shane Sheppard. Board Member Jeff Bass was absent. Due to Governors Proclamation 20-28, phone number 844-621-3956 code 801125308 was provided for anyone that wanted to remotely access the meeting.

April Meeting Minutes 2022

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by President Steve Schultz. Board members Dan Evans, Paul Schultz, and Jeff Bass were present as was Manager, Shane Sheppard. Board Member Denis McLaughlin was absent. Due to Governors Proclamation 20-28, phone number 844-621-3956 code 801125308 was provided for anyone that wanted to remotely access the meeting.

March Meeting Minutes 2022

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by President Steve Schultz. Board members Dan Evans, Paul Schultz, and Denis McLaughlin were present as was Manager, Shane Sheppard. Board Member Jeff Bass was absent. Due to Governors Proclamation 20-28, phone number 844-621-3956 code 801125308 was provided for anyone that wanted to remotely access the meeting.

February Meeting Minutes 2022

Consolidated Irrigation District’s Water Use Efficiency (WUE) measures were discussed from both the supply and demand sides of the water system. Measures discussed were school outreach, program promotions, theme shows/fairs, water audits, customer leak detection, bills showing consumption history, water saving device kits, incline block pricing, efficient toilet rebate program, highest users water use reduction and landscape workshops.

January Meeting Minutes 2022

The December 20, 2021, Board Meeting Minutes were reviewed and upon a motion by Denis McLaughlin, second by Jeff Bass and a unanimous vote, the Minutes were approved as presented. The current bills and financial reports were reviewed. Upon a motion by Paul Schultz, second by Denis McLaughlin and a unanimous vote, the financial reports were accepted, and the bills were approved for payment.

December Meeting Minutes 2021

At 7:02 pm the regular meeting of the Board of Directors was recessed, and the Board convened as a Board of Equalization. No customers were present, and no customers had sent in written requests for equalization of their assessment on the assessment roll. The Board of Equalization hearing was closed at 7:07 pm and at the same time the Board of Directors reconvened the regular meeting.

November Meeting Minutes 2021

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by President Steve Schultz. Board members Dan Evans, Jeff Bass, Paul Schultz, and Denis McLaughlin were present as was Manager, Shane Sheppard. Due to Governors Proclamation 20-28, phone number 844-621-3956 code 801125308 was provided for anyone that wanted to remotely access the meeting. Zac Wheat with Wheat and Associates Insurance accessed meeting by phone.

October Meeting Minutes 2021

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Vice President Dan Evans. Board members Jeff Bass, Paul Schultz and Denis McLaughlin were present as was Manager, Shane Sheppard. Board member Steve Schultz was absent for the Board meeting. Due to Governors Proclamation 20-28, phone number 844-621-3956 code 801125308 was provided for anyone that wanted to remotely access the meeting.